Iglesia Bautista Biblica de la Gracia Torreon

Grace Bible Baptist Church

This is a 29-year old church, which has dedicated itself to serving a community of humble, hard-working, and low-income people.

Colegio Bautista la Gracia

Grace Baptist Christian School

This Christian school arose from the need to provide the children of our church with a quality education founded on the principles of the word of God and far removed from the philosophy of this world.

We offer education for children from preschool through high school,

Vacation Bible School - Torreon

Vacation Bible Schools are very important because through them many children and their families learn about the Word of God and receive Jesus as their Personal Saviour.

Every year in the VBS at Torreon we have around 500 children attending during the week, During this week we give each child a workbook, a manual for each day, prizes, gifts, cookies and soft drinks. We also offer transportation. Everything is completely free. For each Vacation Bible School we develop our own lessons, workbooks and crafts. Each teacher buys his own material to cover the needs of his group. Each group is approximately 50 children.

Iglesia Bautista Biblica de la Gracia La Loma

Grace Baptist Christian School

This is a 19-year old church, which has dedicated itself to serving a community of farmers who are dedicated to working the land and taking care of animals.

Vacation Bible School - La Loma

Vacation Bible Schools are very important because through them many children and their families learn about the Word of God and receive Jesus as their Personal Saviour.

Every year in the VBS of La Loma we have around 200 children attending during the week. During this week we give each child a workbook, a manual for each day, prizes, gifts, cookies and soft drinks. We also offer transportation. Everything is completely free. For each Vacation Bible School we develop our own lessons, workbooks and crafts. Each teacher buys his own material to cover the needs of his group. Each group is approximately 30 children.